Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Sadness of Losing A Game

Do you understand the sadness when you lose a game? Yeah. Well, that's what I feel because our freaking team can not win a game. I just don't understand. That sadness keeps you awake at night (It doesn't but you know) It makes you feel like POOP.

Thank you Coach Fechner for once again forcing me to be goalie two innings. I know I'm wonderful at it but still, wonderful people deserve to do things they love and not do things they hate. Right? I mean that horrible goal kick must of put something in your mind that says
Apparently not.

Then you put as something less horrible I suppose, left midfield. I hate being on the left and running a lot. Like, every ten seconds the soccer ball is on the other side and I'm just nodding and thinking "YUP. Do you guys not get that the ball will be somewhere far, very far in a matter of seconds." And I consider running a menace. A fricking menace from sixth period Language Arts.

Next Inning
Goalie again. Won't Coach Fechner ever understand. Poor Savannah and Katie but I'm the one stuck in poverty here. Goalie is pressurizing, makes me anxious, and yucky when you can't see because of all the fog.

Darn you, fog.

Then I was NINJA! at right defense in soccer. Even though we were losing horribly and it was the last inning but who the hell <beep> cares. I'm happy in my defense position. Always will be. And I blocked two through ins with my upper body from Georgia, the girl who throws balls and everybody is like "Shit.." in the awed kind of way. I beat this other blond girl to the ball and passed it to Camille. And then <SCREECH> from the referees whistle.

WE LOST! Of course we did.

My fellow stalkers, the moral of this story is that you should never get your hopes up when you know all hope has disappeared before you even had it. So, yeah.

From Ash, the girl who loves hates the world.